Tuesday 20 September 2011

Blushing Designs : "What a Girl Wants, A Girl Gets"

I don't know when I started to be so busy.. I have a love/hate relationship with being busy. I need to be busy to keep my head on right but I need down time to keep myself happy. I need balance! Anyways, I am going to "What a Girl Wants, A Girl Gets" by Blushing Designs introducing the "Story of a Girl" Autumn 2011 collection. It's a fashion show and gala. My mission is to network and take lots of pictures. I need at least 25 pictures from at least 3 events by Tuesday! It's not the picture taking part that scares me, it's the "what if I don't talk to the right people and make no connections because of my shyness" and the "what if my inability to drive and lack of experience with transit prevents me from going to things I need to go to" that scares me socks off. But that is just doubt and that isnt helpful. I will go in and do it! Perservere! And if all else fails with transit there is always.... a taxi? I've gotten pretty good at calling cabs I will admit. I wish they weren't so expensive...

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