Monday 16 January 2012

Those who know me know that I have a small (ahem) obsession with fragrances. My favorite at the moment is Marc Jacobs Daisy but that is only because I cannot for the life of me find Violette Imperiale which is my favorite perfume in the universe. It smells delish and I bought it when I went to France a few years ago so the smell brings those memories back. I unfortunately ran out and the phone number on the back of the box and google has not helped me to find another bottle. Oh well. Indiescents is an awesome website that I just came across on my mad hunt for my perfume and it helps customers find their signature scents according to style and note preferances. They are all unique, hard to find brands and this website could become a serious problem for me. Right now I have my eye on Butterfly Kiss ( a floral with sweetpea and blackberry notes) by Sula.

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